Friday, August 24, 2007

The Power of Chocolate Milk

I know that chocolate milk has great power over my boys. At one point Nolan traded me in for Jessie...

"Mama, I have chockit milk?"
"No son, it's bed time." 
"I want Jessie."
"Why, because you think she'll give you chocolate milk?"

Today though I became fully aware of the power chocolate milk can have on a kid. Nolan had just come out of his room from nap time. And in true form he crawled up on my lap, snuggled me, and asked, "Mama, I have chockit milk?" And with that I heard Kevin rustle in the covers on my bed, take a deep breath and say..."Did someone say chocolate milk?"

Yeah. It took me a minute to stop laughing too. ~That kid is amazing. I know he hears everything we say but that is ridiculous. :)

Disclaimer: I believe that chocolate milk is one of the few frivolous pleasures in life that should not be kept from a child. But I do limit my children's intake of the wonderful substance.